The National Police Association announced today a $500 donation to the Manchester, NH Police Athletic League (MPAL) to honor and support their mission. MPAL connects cops and kids through free athletic, educational, and enrichment instruction to help kids make the right choices and become productive members of the community. MPAL provides programs for kids ages Read more »
By Steve Pomper Usually, police officers don’t know you, and they sure don’t know what you might do. When you think about it, it’s kind of weird people think they should. Cops cannot read your mind. No, really, they can’t. They don’t know you’re the kindest pacifist put on God’s green earth since Gandhi. So, while Read more »
By Steve Pomper Some people, too many people, will watch police officers performing their duties, disapprove, and assume they know how to do the job better than those trained to do it. I’m not sure this arrogance is directed more at any other profession. Let’s say you’re walking on the sidewalk in a busy small business Read more »
By Sgt. Nancy M. Dowdy Even when the loudest voices scream hate, remember lots of people in our communities respect and support their police. In fact, the Gallup organization’s annual poll of Americans’ feelings about local law enforcement consistently shows that our citizens overwhelmingly support us. Don’t forget to focus on the positive. This past week Read more »
By Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (ret.) Every time we train cops and dispatchers in the United States we begin the class by reciting The Pledge of Allegiance together. We ask our students to focus on the words, the history, and who we’re all serving and why. It’s one of the rituals we engage in during training Read more »
By Steve Pomper One of the latest attempts to mutilate the criminal justice system is the theory of so-called “survival crimes.” These are crimes where officials running criminal justice systems in leftist jurisdictions consider not the nature of the crime, but the social circumstance of the offender. Officials in these locales experiment with concepts that are Read more »
By Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (ret.) I was a cop for 29 years, a police dispatcher before that, and I’ve been a police trainer for decades. Every morning I receive a summary of police officer-related news in my email inbox. From officer-involved shootings, vehicle crashes and use of force editorials to lawsuits, protests and ambushes, I Read more »
By Steve Pomper There’s an important group getting lost within the ideological fog created by anti-police, pro-criminal politicians and community activist cop critics and criminal coddlers. The anti-good guy animus and pro-bad guy deference is prolific and well documented. The lack of respect for cops, the lack of support, and irrational expectations affect how law enforcement Read more »
The National Police Association announced today a $500 donation to the Atwater Police Activities League Cadets to honor and support their mission. The Atwater Police Activities League Cadet program provides a common meeting ground for police, citizens, and the youth of the City of Atwater, CA and Merced County in the area of social, educational, Read more »
By Steve Pomper Being a police officer is challenging. That’s not news. Cops have always had their critics, and that’s a good thing in some ways. For one, it keeps officers aware of the special responsibility they have in a civil society. They are the sword and shield arms of their communities. More than any other Read more »