While the pandemic restrictions and tyrannical overlords instituted anything but a liberty-loving society and freedom of choice, vaccine mandates became yet another grenade rolled at the duty boots of our nation’s law enforcement professionals. LEOs in largely liberal-governed jurisdictions were confronted with strongarm tactics and given the choice of either taking the vaccine (and all subsequent doses) or termination.
Qualifiable exemptions such as those based on religious beliefs or medical reasonings (some documented supportively by cops’ physicians) were reportedly treated tepidly, denying “89% of the requests it has received for exemptions to a vaccine mandate.”
In September, the State Police Association of Massachusetts (SPAM) took the fight to Superior Court. Arguing against Governor Charlie Baker’s mandated inoculations, union reps waged that state government “violated their obligations under the law by failing to bargain over the impacts of the vaccination policy.” The Court sided with the governor’s mandate.
Politicos nevertheless pushed the police toward the door, despite mounting scrutiny of the vaccines, even as case after case of horrific reactions encountered by vaccinated citizens were documented and reported (at least by non-legacy media sources in favor of fact-based material).
A few months ago, the State Police union posted the following gut-wrenching announcement: “Our leadership learned that 12 of our members, 6 Troopers and 6 Sergeants received word that they would have to choose between vaccination or termination. Previously these public servants had requested exemptions of either medical or religious reasons, instead of providing reasonable alternatives our state’s leadership has chosen to throw our dedicated member’s years of service and sacrifice to the Commonwealth out the window.
“Over and over again we have attempted to work with our elected officials to bridge this gap and find alternatives for our members. Tonight, the message from the Governor’s Office was clear; regardless of your religion, your health, or the safety of the public, the vaccine mandate is absolute. This lack of accommodations will likely result in hundreds of members of the Massachusetts State Police being constructively terminated.”
Recent reports underscore the dubious nature of these vaccine concoctions and increasing hospital admissions stemming from inoculations.
Footage of a comedienne performing live on stage three weeks after receiving her third dose of the vaccine depicted her collapsing on stage, resulting in a fractured skull. Feeling fine and making people laugh before she found herself buckling at the knees and cascading down, the comic subsequently deduced it was potentially from one or all three vaccinations.
Discussing it with Dr. Drew, he related that vasovagal syncope: fainting resulting from certain stressful triggers which lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate. (I passed out conducting a traffic stop on one dark, desolate midnight shift; luckily, the automobile operator/violator was an upstanding citizen who ensured medical/police assistance was en route. I passed a kidney stone a day later.)
Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is another aspect believed to stem from these particular vaccines.
Even though cops pack a gun and a badge, and not a Ph.D., there is ample information publicly accessible from which to form a supportive stance against mandated chemistry infusions. Many different pieces of commentary I came upon stated the present vaccines being pushed were birthed in 7-9 months. In context, the New York State Department of Health revealed the following: “The creation of a vaccine involves scientists and medical experts from around the world, and it usually requires 10 to 15 years of research before the vaccine is made available to the general public. The first step of this extensive process involves several years of laboratory research, in which scientists and researchers identify an antigen that can prevent disease.”
On Friday, February 11, 2022, the U.S. government updated data published upon their Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), classing all vaccine-attributed deaths and medical calamities.
According to Health Impact News, “By way of contrast, there were 918,856 cases of injuries and deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years, from 1990 through November of 2020,” and “there have been 1,103,893 cases of injuries and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines since December of 2020.”
With that, how could we in good conscience infuse chemistry into bodies —cops and citizens alike— which completely shirks bioethics for any reason?
Having said that, political powers unquestionably embraced what Big Pharma scientists offered. Now, reports are circulating about Big Pharma’s “experimental” Covid-19 vaccines culminating in fatalities and hospitalizations denoting a variety of illnesses. Incidentally, the National Vaccine Information Center —whose theme is Your health. Your family. Your choice— is a Covid-19 vaccine and diseases information source for the public to make an “informed vaccine decision.”
With vagaries addressed, and science looking not exactly conclusive, justifying anyone’s scrutiny, the liberal lauding overriding personal choice among cops remains a contention, resulting in police personnel being cornered and shoved toward the exits aka fewer cops.
At a time when the law enforcement profession is severely thinned due to the anti-police climate and police defunders and abolitionists compelling portions of cops to consider alternate careers, can we afford to see even fewer public safety professionals because of government elbowing (forced vaccines)?
It’s been going on for months, especially in Democratic-run enclaves. One glaring example I came across is (was) in Governor Charlie Baker’s Massachusetts. This one rocks the psyche.
One Massachusetts State trooper declined the vaccine and was dismissed from the force. He had his police canine taken away, too. Human/canine police partnerships become a sacred pairing, an unshakable bond, performing so much good for the sake of a safe society.
(An inseparable dynamic duo: Trooper Dan Purtell and K9 partner Neko. Photo courtesy of the Massachusetts State Police.)
All that was erased, for exercising his personal choice and declining the vaccine mandated by the state government. Hardships ensued.
In a report from the Boston Herald, the wife of the trooper separated from his police service dog offered the following:
“My nightmare has become a reality. MSP just came to my house to relieve my husband of duty. They took his cruiser, gun, and K9 dog. We haven’t had power for two days and they chose today. I am beyond disgusted. My 4 kids are in tears watching their dog being taken away all because their father doesn’t want a vaccine.”
Hard to fathom. The separated police canine’s name is “Fathom.”
We saw similar mind-bending policies play out in Illinois, New York, California, and many politically similar locales. Due to this browbeating tactic, respective police forces depleted further, exacerbating the vacancies mounted by the anti-cop movements compelling cops to hang up duty belts one last time. Did politicos care enough about that? It’s rhetorical.
Despite all this rigamarole, some cops stayed the course. News reports day in and day out cited one jurisdiction after another offering PSAs warning citizens of increased response times. Did politicos mitigate the perils to citizens by lessening the burden on cops? It’s rhetorical.
Albeit in reduced numbers, and understandably fatigued from increased blocks of duty days and hours in cruisers, police personnel reported to roll-call rooms.
Now, we are starting to see the hypocrisy among elected officials, mostly a party with a D credential (which, based on abysmal performance, now stands for a report card measure too).
Ready for the latest buzz from the hive of hypocrisy?
On February 9, 2022, MassLive.com published a piece titled “Gov. Baker opposes vaccine mandate at Massachusetts State House.” That is truly telling, eh? “Under discussion” is a protocol to compel vaccination proof. Mere days later, MassLive followed up with a piece titled, “More than 1,000 state workers were fired or quit over Gov. Charlie Baker’s COVID vaccine mandate.”
A Massachusetts State Police forum posted this revelation, saying, “Are you kidding @massgovernor!? Talk about complete hypocrisy! We have Troopers being terminated this month because of YOUR vaccine mandate! Rescind EO 595 now!”
Since day one, those very same troopers have been out there for the public throughout the pandemic. Through lockdowns everywhere, cops were out there the whole time.
Speaking of time, Gov. Baker now wants state police retirees back to help with the staffing shortage and defray overtime costs of the troopers who remained and became overworked.
Government is good at shooting itself in the foot, depriving citizens of constitutional promise. Having said that, a military revelation is stuck in my craw; it, too, has to do with forced vaccinations.
The mindboggling nature of vaccine mandates for first responders also impacted our military service members; like cops, soldiers were also terminated for refusing the jab.
The Navy recently reported it fired over 240 sailors for declining vaccine doses, citing, “To ensure a fully vaccinated force, US Navy policy is that all Navy service members receive the vaccine…”
Why address this factor in police-based material?
Traditionally, soldiers, sailors, and Marines conclude enlistments from respective branches of military service and sort of stitch together a continuum of service by trading camo for police uniforms, hence the term “paramilitary.”
(Photo courtesy of the Massachusetts State Police.)
Given today’s significantly reduced tally of law enforcement officers stemming from the grotesque anti-police debacle and forced vaccines, public safety is made even more vulnerable. Every daily newspaper is replete with the craze of criminality. If you read comments after stories depicting horrific criminality, What happened to humanity? is trending lots lately.
This mandate maneuver could spell misfortune for any military members who had sights set on becoming law enforcement officers upon discharging with an honorable distinction recorded in their personnel jacket.
I wonder how many interested police candidates are opting to step away from a law enforcement career due to the vaccinations being mandated for cops. The largest purveyor of police cadets is the NYPD. On Friday, New York City, now helmed by Mayor Eric Adams, fired 1,430 city employees who refused to get vaccinated—39 of those terminated wore NYPD blues.