The American Law Enforcement Officer is under siege.
Did you know? More than 58,000 officers are assaulted in the line of duty each year. There are officers attacked, stabbed, shot, and beaten nearly every day on the job. Thousands suffer injuries ranging from minor to catastrophic and disabling. Add to that the thousands who are seriously injured in car wrecks and other accidents and those are just the PHYSICAL injuries. Post-Traumatic Stress Injury is as real as a bullet and thousands of officers each year will suffer its effects
In 2020, with events such as large-scale riots, violent protests and urban unrest around the country, that number will likely be much higher. In fact, America’s frontline officers are facing challenges like never before when it comes to their physical and emotional safety.
In response to the overwhelming needs of the police community across America, The Wounded Blue, the national assistance and support organization for injured and disabled law enforcement officers, has created its first-ever National Law Enforcement “Survival Summit” to be held in Las Vegas this October, made possible by a grant from Martin-Harris Construction in Las Vegas. Featuring the most dynamic and well-respected speakers and trainers in the country on law enforcement topics, all aspects of surviving a law enforcement career will be addressed.
The topics at this first-annual “Survival Summit” include among others:
Physical Survival
Emotional Survival
Psychological Survival
Legal Survival
Family Survival
Relationship Survival
Use of force legal survival
Addiction survival
Surviving grief
Surviving police leadership
Some of America’s most prominent presenters, trainers and speakers including Dr. Kevin Gilmartin, Dave Betsy Smith, Jason Scheckterle, Silouon Green, Dr Andrew Dennis and Author Vicky Newman among others will be participating in this incredible event.
The “Survival Summit” will also host entertainment by “The World’s Funniest Cop” Mike Mancini, whose background in law enforcement and comedic routine will provide much-needed laughs about real-world experiences; country music performance by Ryan Weaver, a retired combat veteran who has lost brothers close to him; and FOX News Contributor, FOX Nation host and #BackTheBlue supporter, Tomi Lahren.
This conference is designed for all ranks of officers, from patrol officers to supervisors to administrators — there is something for everyone who is actively serving, who has served as a law enforcement officer as the effects of a law enforcement career can last a lifetime. The cost of the Summit includes training, breakfast, lunch, inspirational keynote speeches and entertainment to be held at the beautiful Ahern Hotel in Las Vegas. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis at the special rate of approximately $100 per night. A virtual option will also be offered.
The Wounded Blue is a nationwide charitable organization whose mission is “To improve the lives of injured and disabled Law Enforcement Officers through Support, Education, Assistance and Legislation.” It’s National Peer Support Advocate Team, made up of current and former Law Enforcement Officers who have faced the traumas of physical and emotional/psychological injuries have assisted more than ten thousand officers across the United States. The “Law Enforcement Survival Summit” is a proactive approach to preparing officers for navigating a safe and healthy path throughout their law enforcement career.
For more information about The Wounded Blue or to register for the “Summit”. Go to www.thewoundedblue.org.
Randy Sutton is a 34 year Law Enforcement veteran and nationally known media commentator on Law Enforcement issues. Randy is the Founder of ‘THE WOUNDED BLUE” The National Assistance and Support Organization for Injured and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers. He served ten years in the Princeton New Jersey Police Department and 24 years with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department retiring at the rank of Lieutenant. He is recognized as one of the most highly decorated officers in the LVMPD history, having awards for Valor, Community Service, Exemplary Service and multiple Lifesaving awards. He has trained thousands of Law Enforcement Officers in the United States on the subject of “POLICING WITH HONOR” He is the author of “TRUE BLUE Police Stories by Those Who Have Lived Them”, ‘A COP’S LIFE”, “TRUE BLUE TO PROTECT AND SERVE”, and has been recognized by the President of the United States while receiving the “POINTS OF LIGHT “ Award and is also the author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling book, “THE POWER OF LEGACY, Personal Heroes of America’s Most Inspiring People” He is the Host of the popular Podcast and LiveTalk Radio show BLUE LIVES RADIO, THE VOICE OF AMERICAN LAW ENFORCEMENT. He can be contacted at randy@thewoundedblue.org