INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 4, 2024 — The National Police Association (NPA) took its mobile billboard to Philadelphia the week of October 20th. NPA’s pro-police billboards aim to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve. By encouraging public support for police, these messages enhance officers’ sense of purpose and reinforce their legitimacy, while also reminding residents of their essential role in crime prevention. This dual effect—elevating police morale and fostering community empowerment—promotes a collaborative, engaged approach to addressing public safety challenges.
The city of brotherly love is wrestling with a crisis in public safety, as violent crime rates surge and law enforcement morale plummets. The city’s citizens, especially the most vulnerable, deserve safety and order. A pro-police mobile billboard is a reminder to shift this narrative, inspiring citizens to support those who risk their lives to uphold the law.
In recent years, police forces across America have faced an unprecedented onslaught of criticism. Philadelphia activists and politicians have painted our men and women in blue as villains, and we’ve seen their entire law enforcement demoralized, defunded, and demonized. This trend is especially troubling in Philadelphia, where the police have been left to deal with rising violence and dwindling resources. Every day, Philadelphia’s officers walk into the unknown, serving neighborhoods riddled with violent crime, knowing their efforts are undervalued. This city needs a morale boost, and so does its police force. A pro-police billboard, prominently displayed, is a visual testament that the city’s residents are with the police, not against them.
We live in an age where symbols are powerful, and a mobile billboard backing the blue is a symbolic reclamation of support for law and order. It is a reminder that we are a society that respects those who sacrifice for the greater good. Philadelphia has a chance to set an example for the rest of the nation, proving that our cities can and should rally behind their police officers, valuing the courage that stands between us and chaos.
The National Police Association (NPA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting law enforcement efforts through advocacy, education, and law. For more information visit NationalPolice.org