The National Police Association announced today a $500 donation to the Atwater Police Activities League Cadets to honor and support their mission.
The Atwater Police Activities League Cadet program provides a common meeting ground for police, citizens, and the youth of the City of Atwater, CA and Merced County in the area of social, educational, and recreational activities. Atwater PAL Cadets fosters and encourages in said youth, faith in America principles and in the traditions of sportsmanship, good will and friendship. The cadets are led by Cadet Chief Sylvia Matlock. The cadet program is year-round and is open to youth (Girls and Boys) 12-18 years old.
Cadet and explorer groups are the preeminent career orientation and experience programs for young people contemplating a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system. They offer young adults a personal awareness of the criminal justice system through training, practical experiences, competition, and other activities. Additionally, the programs promote personal growth through character development, respect for the rule of law, physical fitness, good citizenship and patriotism. These programs are based on career opportunities, life skills, citizenship, character education, and leadership experience. They fulfill all of these areas of emphasis in their mission to offer youth interested in a career in law enforcement the opportunity to:
- Gain exposure to various criminal justice careers and to have positive interaction with law enforcement professionals.
- Obtain “hands-on” experience and awareness of the criminal justice system, thereby helping participants to make an informed decision on a career in law enforcement or a related field.
- Benefit from interpersonal growth through self-discipline, teamwork, challenging experiences, and high standards of performance and personal conduct.
- Enhance character development and improve physical and mental fitness.
- Learn responsibility to self and others through leadership.
- Serve their community by assisting in a supplementary law enforcement and liaison capacity.
The Atwater PAL Cadets can be contacted at 1390 Broadway Ave. Atwater, California 95301, 209-688-5763 and online at https://www.facebook.com/Atwater-PAL-Cadets-657853387734617/
NationalPolice.org is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a mission of educating supporters of law enforcement in how to help police departments accomplish their goals.