I am the type of individual who is easily captivated by fortuitous discoveries, especially those that glow with authenticity, appeal, and humanitarian honor. Such was the case recently when I came across an image of what seems to be a squad of on-duty deputies with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, standing tall in a local eatery, their seats vacant.
Albeit a rarity for any solitary law enforcement officer anywhere to somehow find the quiet repose to enjoy a much-needed meal between calls for service, it is even more of a unicorn for a group of cops to sit and break bread at the same time and under the same roof. But it happened.
A worship leader at Palatka Baptist Temple, Eddie Wilds happened to be dining with friends at a local restaurant when he observed something which he initially perceived was a cluster of cops standing up to depart the dining room table. He got the standing up part correct, but these uniformed law enforcement deputies were engaged in an aggregate gesture of standing for some other reason, one having to do with pride and stewardship.
The National Police Association reached out and corresponded with Executive Pastor Wilds. Following are his words explaining what bloomed organically:
“Simply amazing. My friend and I were eating lunch at Nikos. There were several officers also eating there. I noticed while we were eating, they stood up (I assumed to leave because they were finished). Then I noticed they weren’t moving! I quietly asked my friend, ‘Why aren’t they moving? Why are they just standing there?’”
Pastor Wilds’ friend replied, “The national anthem is playing [on the radio]!” That is impeccable queueing with astonishing synchronicity.
Turns out this particular group of Putnam County deputies were assigned to area schools, serving as “Youth Resource Deputies” (or School Resource Officers), presumably gathering to break bread together while discussing the gear-up for the upcoming school year and all the unique challenges posed by schools reopening in a COVID-era climate.
In addition to offering spiritual stewardship to those in his church congregation, Pastor Wilds also serves as a Putnam County school teacher, often seeing/working with these deputies in the common objective of ensuring the safeguarding of all students in academic and general realms.
Wilds shared with NPA the following accolades for, observations of, and experiences with the Putnam County Youth Resource Deputies: “These are well-respected men and women that serve our community, our schools and their agency with great pride and respect.
“I have witnessed this first-hand as I am currently an elementary school teacher in Putnam County and former middle school teacher in the district.
“I was having lunch with a friend from Winter Haven, FL, Nathan Braymer, who was also able to witness this great act of patriotism.”
Putnam County’s Robert H. Jenkins Middle School Principal Diana Drew said of these deputies’ patriotism, “That’s awesome! They all came to my school after lunch for drills.” Echoing Ms. Drew’s sentiments and pride, school district Leadership Coach Sarajean McDaniel noted, “This is an awesome group of officers. Putnam County is blessed!”
Talk about being mutually graced with incredible presence dedicated to serving our youth during our society’s current trials and tribulations. Hard to imagine how youngsters are navigating today’s mindboggling climate, and that’s where/why law enforcement and school district personnel working in tandem as paramount ingredients defray the sting(s) of a world in absolute flux.
In that regard, Pastor Wilds duly punctuated the Putnam County deputies with these remarks: “They truly take time to build relationships with students and school staff. To see them outside of the school setting honoring our great country and flag during a time like this was truly amazing!”
Indeed, at times like these such an experience is patriotically ripe with reassurances and galvanized godsends displaying American values and virtues.
There is ample anger being demonstrated around our beloved nation, and these patriotic police professionals quietly honor our national anthem and bravely stand ready to defend against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
As an apropos underscore exemplifying our subject matter, here is Surprise, Arizona police Officer Tanya Keplinger belting out the national anthem before a pre-season baseball game opener back in 2016, where her background supporters of cops had hands over hearts. I’d say Officer Keplinger knocked it outta the park—typical cop…just ask the Putnam County lawmen and women.