(INDIANAPOLIS, IN) — The National Police Association announced that Tennessee has been added to its national billboard campaign asking people to support the police by thanking a cop.
Tennessee ranks as one of the top three states for violent crime. Crime data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows Tennessee consistently ranks higher than the nation in violent crimes per 100,000 people. Data shows in 2021, Tennessee had a violent crime rate of about 675 per 100,000 people. The national rate is 396 per 100,000. Tennessee’s rate is the third highest in the nation among states who shared data with the FBI.
Law enforcement staffing in Tennessee is in a shortfall with departments across the state being between 10 and 40 percent understaffed . Major cities in Tennessee will break records this year for the number of homicides and violent crimes overall, while understaffing is producing longer police response times and lower solve rates. The support for criminals and antagonism against police from elected leaders and activists continues to produce early retirement, resignations, and reduced applicants for law enforcement agencies.
Tennessee residents can make a difference by letting elected officials, activists and cops know they support the police.