State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Declines to Prosecute Migrant Charged with Murder

State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Declines to Prosecute Migrant Charged with Murder

By Steve Pomper 


Cook County (Chicago) State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, Photo (Chi Hack Night, CC Attribution 3.0)

I don’t know why this story surprised me, I mean, she couldn’t still be the county prosecutor, could she? But when I read about another mockery of justice in Cook County (Chicago), there was State’s Attorney Kim Foxx standing behind it.

I was stunned because even though I would have remembered with pleasure writing about her leaving office, I know this anti-cop official shouldn’t still be responsible for getting justice for Chicagoans.

I keep a sort of mental note of Soros-funded/styled prosecutors no longer in office. I guess my wishful thinking put Foxx into that pool with former prosecutorial miscreants like Racheal Rollins (Boston), Kim Gardner (St. Louis), and Chesa Boudin (San Francisco).

This infamous prosecutor (the Jussie Smollett fiasco) is still mishandling her authority, favoring criminals, hating cops, and betraying her constituents’ trust. So, let’s get to some story specifics that combine several public safety issues.

As reported by FOX News, “Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office declined to pursue any charges against a ‘dangerous’ Colombian migrant who was arrested for murder last week in Chicago.” Declined… any charges?

Juan David Ramirez-Olivo, 19, allegedly shot and killed Stephanie Lopez Ramirez, whom a Chicago PD (CPD) source described to FOX as “a ‘beautiful and promising’ 17-year-old girl.” The source also described that “the migrant’s illegally-acquired gun went off in an apartment building…,” [italics added] striking the victim in the arm, fatally wounding her.

The way the police source tells the story likely reflects the suspect’s version of events, attempting to distance himself from having allegedly pulled the trigger. Guns don’t just “go off.” I’ve carried guns for my entire adult life, including professionally as a police officer. Not once has my gun gone off—without my pulling the trigger.

Regardless, generally, non-American citizens cannot legally possess a firearm whether shooting someone or not. Although, if he were an ordinary American citizen accused of the same crimes, I think Foxx would be gung-ho to prosecute him.

Foxx has created a mashup of public safety issues each demonstrating how this extremist “sanctuary” city/county/state prosecutor couldn’t care less about “gun crime,” illegal immigration, illegal alien/migrant crime, or crime generally—unless she can accuse a cop of committing one.

Here are two case specifics that Foxx doesn’t believe are enough to prosecute. Allegedly:

  • He illegally purchased and possessed a firearm (handgun).
  • He fired a gun inside a residence, accidentally or intentionally killing an innocent victim.

With Illinois’s full-on war against individual firearms ownership, why would a prosecutor shrink from prosecuting any “gun crime,” especially one involving a homicide? Because the accused being a “migrant” doesn’t fit the anti-cop extremist narrative?

ICE sources told FOX that Ramirez-Olivo entered the U.S. “under the [sham] parole program and was given a notice to appear [I think it’s scheduled for July 2052].” After his arrest for “first-degree murder,” ICE “placed a detainer on…” the suspect, which sanctuary jurisdictions like Cook County tend to ignore.

Foxx’s office said it dropped the charges due to “insufficient evidence.” Reportedly, a CPD chief was angry and pressed for the suspect to be charged. The FOX source also said even if the shooting was accidental and not reckless or negligent, then at the very least charge him with “illegally purchasing” a weapon, which he admitted to, so ICE could deport him before someone else dies in his presence.

By deduction, this tells me Foxx intends to let this migrant murder suspect off completely. But where are the mitigating factors that might warrant such a massive benefit of the doubt. The state’s attorney’s action completely disregards justice for the victim and society.

FOX also reported that “Chicago police sources and a family friend of the victim question that claim [that the shooting was accidental]. The story did not elaborate.

Foxx released a statement saying her office believed the evidence was insufficient to “meet our burden of proof….” Then she blathered, blah, blah, blah, about her “ethical and legal obligation…” to charge based on evidence. I think there’s insufficient evidence that she knows what being ethical means.

Foxx has shown enthusiasm when charging and prosecuting cops for doing their jobs by extrapolating crimes out of what were necessary actions. So, what’s up with Foxx’s reluctance to prosecute a migrant in the U.S. under dubious circumstances who allegedly killed a young woman with an illegally obtained firearm?

Even if Foxx won’t charge him with an intentional homicide and truly believes it was an accident. Then how about the recklessness or at least negligence of apparently brandishing an illegal firearm in the direction of a person, which then “accidentally discharges” and kills an innocent teen?

If you were operating a stolen vehicle illegally, such as DUI or eluding police, and you killed someone, you would at least be charged with a crime involving negligent or reckless behavior. How is this case different? Let a jury to decide.

Then again, prosecutors like Foxx don’t seem keen on charging or prosecuting “migrant” criminals for vehicle crimes, either.

It seems this cop-hating prosecutor would rather harass, disparage, or prosecute cops than criminals. According to PBS, WTTW News, Foxx created a “‘Do not call list’ of officers not to be used as witnesses at trial.”

In a more recent demonstration of her cop loathing, as reported by the Chicago-Sun Times, a convict serving a life sentence for murdering a CPD officer may soon be released. The Times wrote, “Cook County prosecutors on Wednesday vacated the conviction of the alleged gunman in the 2011 murder of Chicago Police Officer Clifton Lewis, a year after charges were dropped against the other defendants.”

According to the state’s attorney’s office, the justification is alleged misconduct in the case by the police and previous prosecutors. You’ll forgive me if I remain skeptical about any justification Foxx relies on to release convicted cop killers.

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