(Indianapolis, IN) – The National Police Association announced today it has awarded the Paso Robles PD Community Volunteer Patrol Program a $1000.00 grant. Volunteers perform many important functions. Their participation allows Paso Robles police officers and other criminal justice employees to spend more time conducting proactive law enforcement activities.
Volunteers function first and foremost as the “eyes and ears” of the Paso Robles Police Department. Members patrol the city with CVPP’s own marked, radio equipped patrol cars looking for anything which may need police attention: a reckless driver, an open business door after hours, a suspicious person, etc. When something is observed, a radio call is made to the Dispatch Center where an officer is notified to take action. CVPP members conduct traffic and crowd control at special events such as parades, the California Mid-State Fair, and downtown events.
Other duties include vacation house watch checks, crime scene protection, and traffic control at accident sites. Members may also be called upon to assist with Search and Rescue.
The National Police Association (NPA) is a 501(c)3 Educational/Advocacy non-profit organization. For additional information visit www.nationalpolice.org.