The oddities of life continue to abound and astonish. While Seattle City Council plows forth with the ridiculousness of downsizing their police force amid the reverberations from “defund the police” mouthpieces, a massive annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2020 has hundreds of thousands of motorbike enthusiasts enjoying America as a whole, in one place, safeguarded by law enforcement officers…
And one thing happened there that did not ever happen in any of the jurisdiction infested by Antifa and BLM thuggery: Attendees gestured to “tip the police” in appreciation for all that cops do for freedom-loving Americans.
One such policeman in attendance, working the annual event always held in Sturgis, South Dakota, semi-anonymously authored a brief composition permitting a glimpse into the atmosphere among aggregate bikers enjoying life without nonsensical behaviors such as the seemingly perpetual rioting, looting, fire-setting, maiming, and murdering we keep seeing upon much of the American landscape.
The following description was written by a cop whose first name only was attributed to the words, but let’s forgo that tidbit too, out of respect and other good reasoning (the first few passages will denote why):
“I know those of you that know me well are looking for my daily rally updates about things that happen at the greatest show on earth. However, this year, due to everything that has happened [with] regard to law enforcement, and out of respect for my friends and family who may not be overly supportive of my chosen calling, I will not be posting much. However, sitting here on the porch reflecting on day two, I feel like I should share what happened at bar close last night downtown. “The bars closed at 2 [a.m.], like they always do, and a large number of folks gathered in the street, just like any other night. However, this night turned out to be way different.
“Instead of grabbing some overpriced fried food and staggering off into the sunrise, one man fired up the loud stereo on his Harley and started dancing. Within seconds, the entire street was filled with people from all walks of life and Nationalities dancing right along with him. The street was filled with people enjoying their freedom together, and not wanting it to end. [Assigned on-duty cops] let this go on for about 20 minutes or so before we had to clear the street. When we went in to stop the party, there was no rioting, no looting, and no violence. Just an overwhelming support for us as they quietly left. We got fist bumps, high fives, handshakes, and hundreds of selfies and well wishes for us and our profession. A couple guys even tried to tip us for our service.
“For a short time on Main Street Sturgis, we were all Americans, not liberals, not conservatives, and our skin color didn’t matter, we were all together, and months of anxiety, anger, divisiveness, and fear melted away right before my eyes.
“Even as I type this 8 hours later, I am still moved by what happened on that street in Sturgis SD.
Regardless of what side you are on, moments like this are what America needs right now.”
Couldn’t agree more with all the well-intentioned mannerisms, mass harmony, and gestural gratitude taking place in the city of Sturgis, whose annual motorcycle rally in 2015 tallied 739,000 heads and revenue topping $800 million. From what I could gather, Sturgis PD is comprised of about 25 heads, 19 of whom are sworn police officers (one of whom graciously is the impetus behind this message). It appears neighboring law enforcement agencies provide mutual aid for such an enormous event with lots of fluid movement (motorbikes, pedestrians, vendors, musical bands, various entertainment, etc.).
And to know that this sort of police-supporting thing —albeit in varying attendance— is being duplicated elsewhere around the nation is nothing shy of reassuring. The staleness and overkill of daily riots and looting by terrorist groups barking and demanding the erasure of law enforcement is not only anti-American and ludicrous, it is also preposterous to believe any hate-filled faction of hellraisers deserve their way, to the exclusion of the law-abiding majority. Any form of terroristic act small or large is the antithesis of American citizens’ right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—one re-assuring reason among many why we have police heroes walking with us.
Concretely, our cops aren’t going anywhere—they are here to stay. Just ask the ever-increasing segments of society arising and walking (literally) in support of those who bravely chose to pin a badge.
Slight (but necessary) detour here: the perpetual manufacture of erroneous anti-cop stories being concocted and disseminated by mainstream media loons is neither new nor remotely transparent.
Assuming it is the same for you, I see back-to-back pro-police stories spreading across all social media channels and the TV screen (news stations). Generally, it appears there is a momentum brewing of police supporters getting bored with being quiet—the wait-and-see folks have had enough waiting and are abundantly seeing horrendous behavior on American soil…sadly by mostly Americans with hairbrained ideologies, obnoxious attitudes, and warped mentalities coming to a climax. No matter: The result is not going to go in their favor.
Having said that, Seattle’s example sort of models and telegraphs the inexplicable mindset of anti-cop governance resulting in “defund the police” measures which, in turn, culminates in cops departing for better pastures and a police chief who refuses to be among a team of voluntarily blind nitwits wielding political power. In that geographic context, Back the Blue rallies burgeon. And Seattle’s demographics materialized with thousands speaking for law enforcement while also throwing shade on said elected leaders’ zany decisions. Placation 101 and Pandering 101 are holding hands and being taught to unruly students who have no real destiny in life, at least not any that holds water and merits any respect whatsoever.
One other thing: Of all the images I researched for this article, the majority include American flags in pristine shape and according to patriot protocol…unlike the crumpled ones set ablaze at protests and riotous rallies we see from the hate-fueled factions in metropolis cities largely overrun with Antifa and BLM. Wonder why those sorts do not dare go to Sturgis’s Motorcycle Rally and act out like children as they did in Seattle’s CHOP zone—food for thought, and laughter.
Despite COVID and the wreak of anti-police pollution wafting the air in many parts of the country, patriots on motorbikes (exemplified by their traditional Sturgis 100 Flag Parade) know the reality and the constitutional necessity of law enforcers…and they thought enough to even offer a tip for their selfless service. My mind’s eye can somehow clearly envision what that looked like, and it’s a poignant police picture to behold. The pendulum is swinging…