It should come as no surprise that cops everywhere join respective police forces to ensure community safety and meet needs of citizens. It is especially noted when cops handle traditional police work otherwise categorized as crime-fighting while pivoting to many other matters such as school safety or cancer fundraising or similar humanitarian deeds.
Speaking of good deeds performed by law enforcement officers, just imagine that you are not seeing much of that thanks to social media empires reportedly suppressing police activities involving fantastic duties on behalf of folks in their respective communities. It is not new; it is ongoing. Thus, the staff at the National Police Association maintain fastidious efforts to bring you police news otherwise denied by biased social media megaliths and their ostensible anti-law enforcement policies.
This morning, I came across a rather somber posting regarding Big Tech’s boots being on the necks of law enforcement-oriented sites, in effect suppressing the voices of cops in an unmistakable anti-cop climate.
From friends at Saving A Hero’s Place, the following testimony exemplifies the throttling (suppression) back of law enforcement commentaries: “The lack of reach on our page now is irritating. Never do we get political on this page, but ya know, good ole Facebook doesn’t want to help too many police related organizations. Won’t be posting any Facebook fundraisers any time soon. Cause they love to get the percentage fee from fundraisers, but sure don’t like to let too much pro police stud get out there. Only a handful of people actually see our posts.”
Like any account on social media, metrics provide quantifiable data to indicate performance (or lack thereof, potentially due to “censorship” for some but not for others). In this context, a recent U.S. Senate committee once again subpoenaed the three big boys heading Facebook, Twitter, and Google (search engine dictators), and for roughly four hours questioned them on practices of seeming control, bias, quashing certain political philosophies, and other facets…with nary a reasonable result other than some admissions which make each of them look like billionaires who have scant ideas about what their companies are doing (at least that was the message, not necessarily the truth).
One recent example is “Twitter suspends US Border chief for border wall tweet, then reverses itself after public scrutiny.” We may see more of this sort of thing, culminating in reversals only after we cry out for integrity, truth and “equality” they incessantly bandy about.
In any event, police departments across the United States plod on in their endeavors to fulfill the mission and honor the police officer’s oath in varying ways, many whose feats are nothing less than knocking grand slams outta the park. Thanks to algorithms, it is sad that many people are not being exposed to phenomenal police work performed by cops everywhere, offering unique depictions of LEOs effectively engaging with communities in both constructive methods as well as simply supportive ambassadors.
As sure as the long hand and short hand keep rounding the 24-hour cycle, examples of robust police work abound, if also curtailed because of the suppressive tendencies mentioned above. We’ll explore a few examples of fully transparent police work relative to kids’ interactions with cops and happy hearts all around.
I came across the following skillfully created YouTube video comprising an ingenious performance by Cass County, South Dakota sheriff’s office Deputy Scott whose lip-syncing skills are as stellar as his success in keeping kids safe at the school where he is assigned as a school resource deputy in COVID-era academia:
Per the Cass County S.O. site, “Deputy Scott is showing off his lip-syncing skills at Central Cass! This video is a shining example of the level of devotion and compassion Deputy Scott and all the SRDs have for their schools! Stay safe and healthy!” Excellent job…and perhaps a warm-up for post-retirement gigs.
The Mount Pleasant, South Carolina PD did some donning of superhero outfits and excited youngsters at area schools. The Mount Pleasant SWAT cops donned famous superhero costumes and greeted students arriving for school.
(Photo courtesy of the Mount Pleasant, SC police department.)
Additionally, these iconic costumed SWAT officers repelled down the sides of school buildings while students watched, making for a super and heroic display. That oughta quash any math anxieties.
Although it honors not just kids but also adults with cancer, the Enfield PD announced its participation in Connecticut Cancer Society’s “No Shave November” fundraising effort to benefit cancer patients. This means the Enfield cops get to rest their razors while police administration rests the grooming policy. So, while Enfield residents, merchants, and visitors will see some Paul Bunyan-like police officers out on patrol, embattled cancer patients will receive a boost from monetary proceeds collected by cops; people pay to see coppers in a different way —however for a brief period— and it looks like this:
(Photo courtesy of the Enfield, Connecticut police department.)
Similar to cops bearding up to help fund cancer patients and the Cancer Society, police personnel everywhere in the United States are bagging up goodies to ensure a safe Halloween for young trick-or-treaters savoring tradition while recognizing the encumbrances posed by the COVID virus.
The sheriff’s office in Sarasota, Florida employed sworn and civilian staff to batch and bag bunches of sweet treats for kids to not only fill whatever carrier they have but to also guarantee safety both in terms of handouts as well as an assured environment. Moreover, the candy-craving kids do not even have to exit the family car. Sarasota deputies will be holding a drive-thru Halloween, handing pre-packaged candy bags to kids through car windows, while also having on display all the sheriff’s office toys such as cruisers, motorcycles, helicopters, boats, and all manner of modes deployed by deputies for children to ogle.
Law enforcement agencies are perhaps the best go-to addresses for youngsters to satiate their sweet tooth while respecting health-conscious stipulations stemming from COVID. As the Sarasota Sheriff’s Office explained, “So here’s the deal: Just because several local events are no longer taking place and parents may be apprehensive about walking kids through the neighborhood this year, doesn’t mean Halloween has to be ‘cancelled.’ We want your little ones to still enjoy candy (hopefully without the cavities)…and get to enjoy the holiday weekend in a safe environment.” Hence their drive-thru concept: no walking in streets; COVID protections in place; cool encounters with cops; a nifty display of cop stuff; gobs and gobs of candy. Safe and fulfilling…whatever it takes.
(Photo courtesy of the Sarasota, Florida sheriff’s office.)
Per the Sarasota Sheriff’s Office staff, “We packed an estimated 30,000 pieces into individually sealed treat bags” to “hand out to our community. All of our deputies and volunteers will wear masks and gloves for your protection and ours.”
Taking it one step further, the East Norriton PD in PA went as far as to brand candy bars with their police insignia, as a personally signed, sealed, delivered piece of sweets for the kiddos to either/or eat/save wrapper as a memento.
(Photo courtesy of the East Norriton, PA police department.)
Among many others, a noteworthy friend of mine excels at totally devoting himself to cancer awareness, with an extra special embrace of kids with cancer. Freeport, Texas police Chief Raymond Garivey became iconic because of his swearing-in ceremony of Abigail Rose Arias, an avid lover of all-things-police (including law enforcement llamas) while courageously battling cancer at a preciously young age…with hopes of a police career.
On that day special day, Abigail was sworn in by Chief Garivey and pinned by her father, Ruben, before a standing-room-only crowd in city council chambers. Continuing from that ceremony, Chief Garivey, his entire Freeport police force, surrounding LE agencies, and even federal law enforcement entities recognized bravery and devotion of a child, perhaps a reflection of themselves despite the age difference and incurable cancer. In any event, cops from all over the nation contributed in various ways, all intent on fulfilling this young girl’s life and letting her know they are in her corner. Abigail’s battle waged on while her cadre of cop supporters bloomed far and wide.
November 5, 2020 will be one year since “Officer Abigail Arias Badge #758” passed away at the age of seven, her short life honored by a full police funeral procession and burial.
Cops from all over did whatever they could to make happy this child’s heart. Chief Garivey continues to surrogate children with cancer, actively striving to meet some of their needs as well as fulfilling personal wishes.
Underscored through tears, Chief Garivey said the following about “Officer Abigail”: “It’s an honor to see such a small child be such a role model for law enforcement and for other folks fighting cancer.” Like all cops, this child forged forward and did whatever it takes to define humanitarian deeds.