Federalization of Local Law Enforcement Takes a Well Deserved Blow

Washington State Troopers, firefighters Sue Over Vaccine Mandate

By Steve Pomper Some firefighter friends of mine recently expressed their dismay at Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s continuing power-play to force “vaccines” on public employees, including cops and firefighters. As reported by The Hill at MSN news, “more than 90 plaintiffs were listed in the lawsuit against Inslee, including 53 state police employees as well as firefighters….” State Read more »

Running for Office, Advocating for Public Safety

By Stephen Owsinski If career politicians can’t seem/care to justly embrace our nation’s law enforcement institution and its roughly 850,000 souls who brave the chaotic climate to ensure public safety, then perhaps a bunch of duly experienced police professionals considering office deserve the governmental seats. Often in my written materials I reference how cops are Read more »