Boston Cops Challenge Vaccine-Mandating Mayor, Receive Rhetoric

New York Mayor – Elect: Bring Back Stop and Frisk

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The practice of stopping suspicious persons to ask some questions and check them for weapons has never been illegal. It has been practiced in ways that has caused the courts to refine the practice, but not outlaw it. New York’s incoming Mayor Eric Adams is a retired NYPD captain, Read more »

Radical Politicians Grumble as Anti-Law Enforcement Theories Crumble

By Steve Pomper  It’s getting real. When even hot iron branded members of the hard woke left risk breaking from the leftist orthodoxy herd, even if it’s for selfish political purposes, it’s something positive—for traditional America. Even in Minnesota, where George Floyd’s in-police-custody death sparked national wanton destruction, increased hatred toward cops, and the reinforcement of Read more »

How Are Cops Accountable? Let Me Count the Ways

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Accountability of our armed government agents is an essential part of our democracy. The Founding Fathers wrote a whole thing about it. That the idea of lots of armed government agents was somewhat foreign to those Revolutionary minds was evident in their hesitancy to even have a standing army. Read more »

Pro-Police Governors Sweeten the Pot, Embrace First Responders

By Stephen Owsinski (Featured image: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hands a Jacksonville cop a $1000 bonus check. Photo courtesy of Office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.) When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced additional economic investments to pillar all first responders yesterday, my initial response was Wow! Not because it was uncharacteristic of him and the Read more »

The Myth of Militarization

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D As disturbances around the country explode after officer-involved suspect deaths, law enforcement is standing by to provide a measure to mitigate violence and property damage. Dramatic video of armored vehicles and riot-gear clad police often incite cries that the police are provoking violence, as though donning protective gear lights Read more »

Another Threat for Cops: State-Created Danger Doctrine

By Steve Pomper  The NPA covers many issues that threaten the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies and officers. The NPA has reported on and assisted officers wrongly accused of policy violations and even of breaking the law when evidence shows they were doing their jobs. The NPA also challenges legislatures that pass anti-cop laws Read more »