By Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (ret.)
Rather than utilize standard federal statistics on fatal police shootings these researchers created an independent database of such incidents in the US since 2015, often gathering information from media sources. The researchers also contacted every police department that experienced a fatal police shooting to obtain the race, sex and years of experience for every officer involved in these shootings. The bottom line, Cesario says, “we found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot. If anything, black officers are more likely to shoot black citizens, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.”
The researchers also admitted that the racial makeup of a police agency is irrelevant when it comes to police use of fatal force. This will be another shock for the folks who insist that racial “diversity” will solve all of society’s ills. Just like body worn cameras did little to stop police use of force (although they certainly help vindicate cops just trying to do their jobs) the color of a cop’s skin will continue to have no effect on police use of force. After all, police officers do not decide the level of force used in any given situation…the bad guy decides what weapon to use and we simply respond in a way that helps keep us, and our innocent citizens, safe and well, regardless of race, gender, age and so on.
If you’re a law enforcement officer or a police supporter what can you do to help fight the false narrative that cops are running around looking for people of color to victimize? Share this article, get it out there on social media. Read the MSU/UM study, share the results with your local leaders, politicians, the media and yes, your fellow police officers. I emailed the study to my local talk radio “morning” guy in the hopes that he’ll talk about it on the air. Most importantly, make sure your chief, sheriff or director are familiar with the facts, and put pressure on them to speak up. The more we get the truth out there now the less police funerals we may have to attend in the future.
“The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe” Heather Mac Donald