By Steve Pomper

Isn’t it well past time to stop the crime spree committed by the violent criminals hiding within the deluge of illegal aliens allowed— encouraged and even assisted—to enter the United States? The glut of reports of illegals committing everything from minor offenses to major violent crimes should be enough, but apparently, it isn’t.
This concerns me because these dangerous border policies result in criminals illegally entering the U.S., which produces increased crime that residents suffer, and local cops must handle.
I bristle whenever illegal immigration proponents defend “illegal” immigrants by blanket claiming “immigrants” commit crime at lower rates than native born Americans. Well, even if that’s true for legal immigrants (which is likely), is it true for illegal immigrants?
A recent story about the illegal alien arrest rate recently reported by the NYPD destroys the “lower crime rates” fake narrative. So does common sense.
We’ve heard too many reports of heinous illegal migrant crimes like the murders and rapes perpetrated across America. You’d think that would be enough to make folks change policies. But it seems even those crimes aren’t bad enough for some officials. Now, there are reports of illegal migrants attempting to board school buses transporting children in southern California. There were two incidents reported within two days, a mere 11 miles from the border in San Diego County.
According to FOX News, “A group of around 20 suspected illegal migrants attempted to board a school bus picking up elementary students in California on Wednesday, according to local reports, worrying parents.”
If you’re a normal parent or grandparent of young children—anywhere in America, your heart just skipped a beat, right?
And let’s not forget the recent reports of Venezuelan gangs effectively taking over apartment buildings in Colorado (and other states) as reported by CBS. “[T]he gang has engaged in violent assaults, threats of murder, extortion, strongarm tactics, and child prostitution as they have exerted a ‘stranglehold’ on the Aurora apartment complex.”
Victim residents (many are reportedly also illegal aliens) feel forced to move and landlords forced to sell.
The political arguments regarding the border don’t matter, here. For me, it’s not about the political but the criminal, which we need to stop. The truly sad thing is that we know it is possible to shut down the border. How do we know? We have the best evidence. It’s been “shut down” (controlled) before and recently. Shut down doesn’t mean illegal crossings drop to zero. That will never happen. It means the CBP is in effective control of the border, as they should be.
So, what about that popular leftist refrain that “immigrants” have a lower crime rate than native-born Americans? That’s probably true of legal immigrants. But how can that be true of illegal immigrants? After all, every single person crossing the U.S. border illegally has broken American law.
Jasmine Garsd, for example, writing at NPR, asserts, “The claim that immigration brings on a crime wave can be traced back to the first immigrants who arrived in the U.S. Ever since the 1980s and ’90s, this false narrative saw a resurgence.”
See the trick? “The claim that immigration brings on a crime wave….” No one’s saying (legal) immigrants are the cause of a crime wave. In fact, we’re specifically not saying that. We’re saying illegal immigration is bringing crime, which we see every day with our own eyes.
Of course, people exist who don’t like any immigration. But I can’t think of anyone I know who thinks like that. The people I know support legal immigration, especially since most Americans (like me) descend from legal immigrants. The proponents of illegal immigration just lump all immigrants, legal and illegal, into one pool to get the stats that match their narrative.
It doesn’t surprise me that (legal) immigrants, generally, would have a lower crime rate. Aside from incarceration or fines, they are also liable for deportation if they are convicted especially of a violent crime or other felony.
On the other hand, as I mentioned, illegal immigrants have a 100 percent crime rate, having broken the law just by entering the country. Then, even if the majority commit no additional crimes, the ones who do are committing crimes that shouldn’t have happened because they shouldn’t be here.
Here’s one more example of the extremists’ flawed, biased reporting, writing, “[A] former President… has spoken of immigrants as criminals and mentally ill people….’”
This is an obvious reference to the reports of illegal immigrant criminals and mentally ill people sent to America, hidden among other illegal migrants by unscrupulous leaders who are taking advantage of the bad U.S. border policy.
The difference between a legal and illegal immigrant is enormous. Yet NPR insists on using the word “immigrants,” unencumbered by the necessary descriptor, illegal to make their false point.
About the claim “immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans,” let’s add “illegal,” and look at the New York Post story I alluded to earlier. “Migrants flooding NYC’s justice system — making up ‘75% of arrests in Midtown’ — as ‘pathetic’ sanctuary city laws handcuff cops.”
That 75 percent is the type of statistic illegal immigration opponents are referring to when addressing the crime increases. It’s about the crime associated with illegal immigration, not legal immigration. Legal immigration belongs nowhere in this discussion and only is so because pro-illegal immigration advocates insist on conflating the two.
We can’t trust statistics that any of the legacy media promote because their pro-illegal immigration agenda is so obvious. Either way, regardless of what the extremist media contend, those NYPD officers are dealing with a 75 percent illegal immigrant arrest rate. That’s a real consequence for real victims and for the real cops making the arrests.
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