(Indianapolis, IN) November 16, 2024 – The National Police Association announced today it has awarded the Jefferson County, WV Deputy Sheriff’s Reserve Program a $1000.00 grant.
The Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff’s Reserves is a volunteer organization adjunct to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office performing various functions within Jefferson County, WV. The “RESERVES” backup and assist regular full-time deputies with various calls throughout Jefferson County, assisting with traffic control at accident scenes, vehicle/house searches, serving court papers, processing arrest detainees, fingerprinting, and transporting to the Eastern Regional Jail. The Sheriff’s Reserves also provide security for a variety of functions and events that take place within Jefferson County such as the Heritage Mountain Arts and Crafts Show in June and September, teen dances, school graduations, and other events as needed that take place within Jefferson County. The reserves also assist numerous other law enforcement agencies inside of Jefferson and surrounding counties.
Volunteers perform many important functions. The Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff’s Reserve Program is committed to promoting the belief that it is the responsibility of all citizens to preserve life, protect property, and pledge service to their community. JCSR members uphold this objective by assisting regularly appointed deputies and police officers in their routine duties and supporting the efforts of other law enforcement and community organizations that share this conviction.
The National Police Association (NPA) is a 501(c)3 Educational/Advocacy non-profit organization. For additional information visit www.NationalPolice.org.