What Can We Agree On?

What Can We Agree On?

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Twelve score and four years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Our Founders did not achieve perfection of the ideals to which they affixed their signatures and “mutually pledge to Read more »

Cops Everywhere Do Whatever It Takes to Keep Kids Safe

By Stephen Owsinski It should come as no surprise that cops everywhere join respective police forces to ensure community safety and meet needs of citizens. It is especially noted when cops handle traditional police work otherwise categorized as crime-fighting while pivoting to many other matters such as school safety or cancer fundraising or similar humanitarian Read more »

That Thin Blue Line – What Does It Really Mean?

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. The story dates from the middle ages that a particular blue clothing dye from the town of Coventry, England was of such high quality that it remained true blue and did not fade. Blue has since come to represent loyalty and fidelity. Another British phrase is associated with colors Read more »

Cops Cannot Fix America’s Law Enforcement Crisis, Only Voters Can

By Steve Pomper  I normally prefer to be specific and provide individual’s and organizations’ names and several links to more information. However, rather than naming specific people and organizations, I will be more nebulous to better represent that this issue of officer flight affects more agencies and officers than those that continually appear in national stories. Read more »