By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. In my recent interview with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, he pointed out the inflationary effect that obscures our national statistics on homicide. Current FBI statistic on homicide indicate a general downward trend. Does this mean there is less violent crime? According to Grossman “We have ‘inflation adjusted dollars’ and Read more »
By Steve Pomper In my most recent NPA article, I wrote, “The radicals are fighting a multi-front war with traditional America….” Three recent examples of this war strategy stood out. The first two involve the legislative and the judicial branch of local government, and the last is a chilling example of what used to be considered Read more »
By Robert Garland, CEO of Fund The FIrst For police officers around the country, these are trying times. There is so much negativity in the news and on social media it is difficult to focus on those who appreciate the great work you do. The fact remains, however, Americans have shown a tremendous desire to Read more »
By Lance Harris My name is Lance Harris. In 2016 I wrote and passed the first Blue Lives Matter law in America. 2015 and 2016 were particularly deadly years for police officers in America. In 24 months, 204 cops died on the job, 107 from a felonious act. In the same 24-month span, 107,392 were Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski It finally happened: a crew of folks supporting law enforcement officers covered an entire city block with the big bold words “BACK THE BLUE.” And Tampa, Florida now has the bragging rights (utter pride) for voicing their opinion about the importance of police personnel and public safety. During the wee hours of Read more »
By Steve Pomper It seems as if I’ve been Seattle-centric lately, but that’s not because it’s where I worked as a cop. It’s more because Seattle has a special class of morally corrupt politicians committing a singular kind of destruction against American civil society and public safety in Seattle. While we don’t have an all-out Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The day dawned with news circulating around Seattle City Council’s intent to absolutely abolish its entire police force and supplant it with a “civilian-led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention” initiative. Succinctly put after sufficient critical analysis, this maneuver will assuredly backfire before long. Minneapolis City Council may discover that hard Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Those who espouse leftist ideals tend to believe there is some utopian balance that is possible in which a benevolent government provides everyone’s needs resulting in a peaceful coexistence. No need for police in that world. In contrast, in the words of Alexander Hamilton (or maybe James Madison) in Read more »