By Sgt. Nancy M. Dowdy (ret.) About twenty years ago, as a young and impressionable police officer who “just wanted to make a difference,” I was hit in the head with a relatively full can of beer. I was part of a squad responding to a problem bar that was regularly holding “raves.” These consisted Read more »
By Steve Pomper California Governor Gavin Newsom is so woke, he makes people with insomnia look like deep sleepers. How do we know he’s that woke? Among other warped priorities, it’s because woke people seem to have more affinity toward lawlessness than law and order. There’s a reason they call it a criminal justice system. Read more »
By Steve Pomper According to the AP, Attorney General Bill Barr recently appointed 18 law enforcement officials to serve on a presidential commission on law enforcement. Now, officials have formed such commissions occasionally at various levels of government, but the feds haven’t done so since 1965. Back then its mission was primarily to reduce crime, Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski A study was at the center of the World Economic Forum held recently in Davos, Switzerland, and it cited the top 15 occupations aspired to by teens across the globe. Among the top 15: Police officer. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), “Huge changes to the world of Read more »
By Steve Pomper The AP, via, is reporting on something that was absurd only a short time ago but is becoming more common these days. Seems ICE has had to resort to sending subpoenas to Denver officials to get information on four male illegal aliens whom ICE states qualify for deportation. ICE says Denver Read more »
By Sgt. Nancy M. Dowdy (ret.) Well, the holidays have finally passed and it’s a new year. Like many of you, I spent the last few days of the year relishing in the beauty that can be seen during the holidays. Those much anticipated presents have been opened and played with for hours, out of Read more »
By Steve Pomper Police in Vasilia, California arrested, not a bike thief, but the victims of that thief. A young couple was tired of being victimized by neighborhood villains. So, they placed a “bait” bicycle in their yard, and when thieves tried to steal the bike, the couple ambushed and assaulted the cretins. The man Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski No ambiguity in that title. All organic. Straight-up prospect highlighting that some humans are born to be a cop. Now, there may not be any definitive DNA markers indicating any human’s predisposition to law enforcement, but soon after entry into the world, the building blocks are at our disposal. Some people capitalize Read more »
The National Police Association (NPA) has filed a friend of the court brief asking the U.S.Supreme Court not to accept review of an appeal by Black Lives Matter organizer DeRay McKesson. The brief supports Officer John Doe, who seeks to recover for serious injuries caused by a rock thrown by a participant in the Black Read more »
By Steve Pomper Whenever you hear police critics or, especially, the perennial cop haters comment on the police, they reflexively pull the police accountability arrow out of their quiver. It doesn’t matter how invasive and pervasive police officer accountability and scrutiny gets, it’s never good enough. They’re not satisfied even though police accountability has risen Read more »