By Steve Pomper There is no current American law enforcement agency, other than maybe the NYPD, that has been more publicly disparaged than U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is right up there, but the CPB and ICE missions are linked. And when bad policies affect immigration enforcement and border protection, Read more »
The National Police Association announced today a $500 donation to the Cleveland Police Athletic League to honor and support their mission. The mission of the Cleveland Police Athletic League is to: * Provide a safe and fun environment for children during recreational and athletic activities. * Foster positive interactions between police officers and youth. * Read more »
By Steve Pomper It’s that time of year, again. No, not Christmas, Hanukah, and the holiday season, but the season when pirates roam the high seas. Okay, not so much the high seas, but maybe High Street. And they’re not your traditional pirates—Arrgh!—but so-called Porch Pirates. These parasites rip off not only your mail and packages Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Given that we are in the season of giving thanks and gifting those we deem important and deserving, our nation’s volunteers top the list, specifically those who show up at America’s law enforcement stations, roll up their sleeves, and get to work on behalf of the community. Days before Thanksgiving, I came Read more »
The National Police Association is announcing a $5,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the individual responsible for opening fire on an off-duty Chicago police officer just before 10pm on December 3rd at the intersection of 81st and Washtenaw on Chicago’s South side. A three-year veteran officer left the Sixth Read more »
By Steve Pomper I recently attended my annual Law Enforcement Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA) firearms qualification course. It’s actually more harrowing than one might think. Not the actual quals but because I have to travel through “homeless” encampment-strewn Seattle to get to the range which is just south of the city limits. Then, after having Read more »
By Steve Pomper On Dec. 2nd, 60 Minutes broadcast from Seattle to report on the “homeless” crisis. Anderson Cooper presented the story. While the CNN anchor has been accused of biased reporting, he asked Seattle’s mayor some poignant questions. He noted there are some 11,000 homeless in the Seattle/King County metro area. Unlike KOMO News’ outstanding Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Every law enforcement officer has heard and lived the term “officer’s discretion.” Indeed, it is within every cop’s purview to let someone go with a warning, usually after reasoning a very minor infraction. But letting someone off easy is quite different than not enforcing laws due to purported resource allocations (or lack Read more »