By Steve Pomper
It’s easy, if you’re not paying attention, to be fooled into believing the efforts to defund, abolish, or otherwise disappear traditional American law enforcement is a spontaneous and organic grassroots uprising. Something terrible happened, and people got pissed. But this is too simple and wrong.
The complicity of the legacy media with their fraudulent reports or failure to report at all on this past year’s deluge of radical leftist violence has made this belief possible. People who’ve never needed the police don’t believe they’ll ever need the police—until they need the police—so they want to get rid of the police.
But the leftist radicals’ efforts are not random or disjointed efforts conducted by unassociated people and groups. This truly armed insurrection is organized, planned, targeted, and well-funded. When I was researching my new book, The Obama Gang, for the NPA, there were certain people and groups who kept popping up whenever and wherever it was time to hate on the cops. Aside from former President Obama, one of those people was George Soros and one of those groups was his Open Society Foundations (OSF).
Not surprisingly, OSF ramped up their efforts in Minneapolis in 2020 to help replace (abolish) the Minneapolis Police Department with an agency called the Minneapolis Department of Public Safety (DPS). This is a clear effort to use semantics to perpetrate a ruse. There is nothing wrong with the name DPS. After all, venerable law enforcement agencies such as the Texas Highway Patrol operate under the Texas Department of Public Safety. The TDPS also operates the Texas Rangers, one of the most storied and capable law enforcement entities in American history.
So, it’s not as much about the name change as it is about the myth-building that created an environment where political activists and officials feel emboldened to actually dismantle traditional policing. It’s not as simple as replacing cops with social workers. But that’s what the radical left would like you to believe when police deal with homelessness, mental illness, and/or drug and alcohol addiction calls. Police 911 calls in these categories are among the most dangerous incidents cops face even when they don’t become violent. No one knows beforehand that a call “won’t need the police.”
When I was still active, my beat contained several mental health facilities. The mental health professionals (MHP) called me when they needed a cop, and I called MHPs when I needed a social worker.
In my experience (with exceptions), there were good relations between MHPs and cops. Today, the defund the police agitators would have you believe cops and social workers don’t work together. Or they want you to think social workers should take on, wholesale, certain dangerous aspects of police work.
They base this desire to replace cops with social workers on after-the-fact statistics about incidents that didn’t “need” an armed response. But the initial information provided to 911 operators that did not require police officers look remarkably similar to those that did. Trying to determine in advance which calls won’t require the police is a guess, at best. President Obama and Mr. Soros have their fingerprints all over these anti-police shenanigans.
While many conservatives have accused Soros and his OSF of funding the mayhem still churning in many American cities, Soros and his supporters deny it. They would deny it, right? I would, if I were them. A part of their multi-faceted strategy is to obfuscate, partially through a miasma of overlapping organizations, how they fund radicals. If this weren’t the case, then why would legacy media, and even FOX News, embarrassingly recoil at a guest merely mentioning the Soros’s name? An organizational smokescreen is just one facet of a broader strategy that also includes getting non-prosecuting prosecutors elected.
To reiterate, this anti-police, anti-law and order movement is not a result of an organic mass uprising. It’s fabricated, organized, and funded by radicals and promoted by a compliant legacy media. The pushback, in which organizations such as the NPA engage, needs to occur wherever the Left attacks policing in America.
Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels provides a glimpse as to why good people must push back against this assault on policing. He said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” The Conservative Mind distilled this to an apt axiom: “lies left unchallenged are assumed to be true.” This is what the Left is currently doing to American law enforcement. Law enforcement and its supporters must push back whenever possible.
Even back in 2016, Townhall reported on a leaked report from OSF. Rachel Marsden wrote, “It seems that Soros, long a supporter of liberal candidates and causes, is an even more ambitious political manipulator than many of us had imagined. The leaked docs, along with recent tax filings, suggest that protest movements not only in urban centers across America but in other parts of the world might be less organic than it would appear.” Again, that was in 2016. Laying the groundwork for what happened in 2020, and continues today, has been in progress for a long time.
The NPA’s mission is to help law enforcement professionals by educating the public in ways to support policing. One of the things that hurts law enforcement is when anti-police forces attack the cops with myths, lies, and false narratives and there is no pushback. Rush Limbaugh often emphasized the importance of pushback. He said everytime we (the Right) don’t pushback, “we cede territory.” And we not only have to pushback but also need to support those who pushback on our behalf.
The Obama Gang is one way we’re pushing back against the anti-police lies being hurled at America’s cops. The anti-cop Left, the Left, generally, hates pushback of any kind, which is reason enough to do it. They want you to believe, like the Borg on Star Trek would say, “resistance is futile.” Resistance is not futile; resistance is crucial.