By Stephen Owsinski One of the most stress-inducing and soul-tormenting occupations in the world is performed by people we hear and hardly ever see: 911 operators/dispatchers. When our respective worlds upend, and we are in dire need of help, 911 operators heed the call, literally and logistically. These are the professionals who we don’t necessarily Read more »
By Doug Wyllie Late last month, officers with the San Antonio Police Department responded to reports of a man with a “long gun” in his possession getting into the passenger seat of a vehicle with an as-yet-unidentified person behind the wheel. It’s worth noting that seeing a man with a rifle in Texas is a Read more »
Indianapolis, September 7, 2023 – The National Police Association (NPA) announced today it has added to its ‘Thank a Cop’ static billboards with ‘Heroes’ static and mobile billboards. The NPA’s ‘Heroes’ mobile billboards will take the support the police message to a different city each week to proudly show public support for the thousands Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Hurricane Idalia moved swiftly along the Gulf Coast of Florida before creeping inland at the Sunshine State’s “armpit” (otherwise known as the Big Bend, where the coast curves) before flattening the city of Perry and others in the region. Even before that instance, first responders whose jurisdictions were spared already had a Read more »
By Steve Pomper How could I not write about these cops? They brought those of us parched-for-law-and-order folks, “water” in a rule-of-law desert—figuratively and literally. Figuratively because it wasn’t actually H2O, but it literally happened in the desert. Add to that the incident apparently set radical lefties against ordinary lefties and, forget the Burning Man event Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D American policing is unique in the world primarily because of our national historic interest in liberty and self-determination. 1) We are not a branch of the military. Even though law enforcement is often described as paramilitary, American policing is decidedly civilian. Many of the founders didn’t even want a Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Why didn’t they de-escalate? That’s the question posed after police use of force events asked by citizens of goodwill and skeptics alike. It is a valid question and one that deserves an answer. The answer is that the officer did de-escalate if they kept a situation from getting to Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Nowadays, the word “progressive” has a negative connotation due to a political party plunging their hair-brained policies and schemes down our throats, tyrannically telling us how to live. Positively, a county sheriff’s command staff is progressively hitting the street beat, illustrating Why they entered the law enforcement profession. “Going out on patrol Read more »
By Steve Pomper I thought we were over this moronic nonsense, but I guess not. However, that this incident happened in San Francisco makes a strange sort of sense in a nonsensical way. What do I mean? A business still refusing to serve cops would be in San Fran, right? According to the San Francisco Standard, the Read more »
By Doug Wyllie On a typical Wednesday in late August, a convicted felon was out on bond—because, progress—when he decided to skip a scheduled court appearance in Harris County related to charges (filed in March 2023) of Assault of a Family Member and being a Felon in Possession of Firearm. According to ABC News, in Read more »