Arizona Sheriff Forms Citizens Posse: No Lack of Interest from County Residents

How kids and cops reciprocate respect

By Stephen Owsinski Despite the tsunami of anti-police din, diehard police supporters are waving Thin Blue Line flags and/or exhibiting cop-supporting icons and such. It is always refreshing to see adults act maturely and with objective reasoning, especially in the face of utter emotion-based drivel baselessly denouncing America’s frontline heroes. Yet, in all of this Read more »

Police are Hurting. We Need to Learn How Many

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. In my recent interview with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, he pointed out the inflationary effect that obscures our national statistics on homicide. Current FBI statistic on homicide indicate a general downward trend. Does this mean there is less violent crime? According to Grossman “We have ‘inflation adjusted dollars’ and Read more »