Detroit Police Chief Backs His Officers’ Uses of Force Against Rioters

Police Warriors Unfailingly Carry Out Duties Despite Severe Injuries from Assassination Attempt

By Stephen Owsinski Once again, a cowardly ambush perpetrated on the police took place over the weekend. Two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies were simply sitting in their cruiser, safeguarding the Compton Transit Center. There is no denying the reality that cops continue to find themselves in the crosshairs of some deeply hateful individuals Read more »

Texas Police Assn Buys Billboard Ads to ‘Warn’ Austin Visitors About Defunded/Limited Police Force

By Stephen Owsinski The National Police Association recently published a piece regarding Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the state Legislature considering the option to consolidate the Austin Police Department with the Texas Department of Public Safety, transforming Austin cops into state troopers. With all the barking about defunding police forces, Austin City Council is notably Read more »

Purging Police Executives of Color a Key Crisis Point

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Racial diversity in police hiring has increased dramatically in the last generation of policing, including the ranks of police leadership. While the progress has yet to generally equal the diversity of the population served by their law enforcement agencies, key roles are more frequently being filled by women and Read more »

6 Ways the Antipolice Movement is Harming America

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. If the antipolice crowd planned the weakening of law enforcement in the many nefarious ways it is occurring, then they are brilliant strategists and propogandists. If the byproducts of their fury are mere happenstance, then they must be ecstatic at their destructive influence. Here’s what is at risk. Local Read more »

9/11: ‘Have Some Forgotten How It Felt That Day?’

By Stephen Owsinski That title (more on that in a moment) would seem a ludicrous question for anyone who was born before September 11, 2001, but music sensation Darryl Worley scripted lyrics to compel minds to reconsider the fateful day when the heart of our beloved nation had a stake driven through it. Two, actually…the Read more »

Don’t Mess with Texas: Governor Seeks to Consolidate Defunded Austin PD with State Police Force

By Stephen Owsinski While the misguided anti-police mouthpieces keep barking to defund and abolish the police, critical-thinking pro-public safety brains are analyzing ways to circumvent neutering and/or shuttering law enforcement agencies. It seems the credo “Don’t mess with Texas!” is alive and kicking…especially on the state level. Texas state governance is using forward-thinking concepts bolstered Read more »